
lstchain is the analysis library for the observed and simulated LST-1 data.


lstchain heavily depends on ctapipe

Data levels



File Format


Uncalibrated RAW waveforms from the camera



Calibrated waveforms from the camera


Integrated charge and peak position of the waveform



Image parameters (width, length, intensity, etc.)



Event parameters (energy, direction, time, etc.)



Lists of reconstructed events after event selection with corresponding IRFs (AEFF, EDISP, PSF, etc.)


Analysis steps

These individuals steps can be run one by one but are also integrated in more complete workflows presented in LST-1 data analysis workflow.

R1 to DL1

MC data

Use lstchain.scripts.lstchain_mc_r0_to_dl1.

For more information, try --help or see the API Docs.

Real data

Use lstchain.scripts.lstchain_data_r0_to_dl1.

For more information, try --help or see the API Docs.

DL1 to DL1a and DL1b

If you already have a DL1 file containing images and parameters (DL1a and DL1b), you can recalculate the parameters using a different cleaning by using lstchain.scripts.lstchain_dl1ab.

For more information, try --help or see the API Docs.

Configuration file

Here is an example configuration file for this step.

  "source_config" : {
    "EventSource": {
      "allowed_tels": [1],
      "max_events": null
    "LSTEventSource": {
      "default_trigger_type": "ucts",
      "allowed_tels": [1],
      "min_flatfield_adc": 3000,
      "min_flatfield_pixel_fraction": 0.8,
      "calibrate_flatfields_and_pedestals": false,
      "EventTimeCalculator": {
        "dragon_reference_counter": null,
        "dragon_reference_time": null
        "drive_report_path": null
        "drs4_pedestal_path": null,
        "calibration_path": null,
        "drs4_time_calibration_path": null

  "events_filters": {
    "intensity": [0, Infinity],
    "width": [0, Infinity],
    "length": [0, Infinity],
    "wl": [0, Infinity],
    "r": [0, Infinity],
    "leakage_intensity_width_2": [0, Infinity]
  "n_training_events": {
    "gamma_regressors": 1.0,
    "gamma_tmp_regressors": 0.8,
    "gamma_classifier": 0.2,
    "proton_classifier": 1.0

  "tailcut": {
    "delta_time": 2
  "tailcuts_clean_with_pedestal_threshold": {
    "delta_time": 2
  "dynamic_cleaning": {
    "apply": true,
    "threshold": 267,
    "fraction_cleaning_intensity": 0.03

  "random_forest_weight_settings": {
    "pointing_wise_weights": true

  "random_forest_zd_interpolation": {
    "interpolate_energy": true,
    "interpolate_gammaness": true,
    "interpolate_direction": true

  "random_forest_energy_regressor_args": {
    "max_depth": 30,
    "min_samples_leaf": 10,
    "n_jobs": -1,
    "n_estimators": 50,
    "bootstrap": true,
    "criterion": "squared_error",
    "max_features": 1.0,
    "max_leaf_nodes": null,
    "min_impurity_decrease": 0.0,
    "min_samples_split": 10,
    "min_weight_fraction_leaf": 0.0,
    "oob_score": false,
    "random_state": 42,
    "warm_start": false

  "random_forest_disp_regressor_args": {
    "max_depth": 30,
    "min_samples_leaf": 10,
    "n_jobs": -1,
    "n_estimators": 50,
    "bootstrap": true,
    "criterion": "squared_error",
    "max_features": 1.0,
    "max_leaf_nodes": null,
    "min_impurity_decrease": 0.0,
    "min_samples_split": 10,
    "min_weight_fraction_leaf": 0.0,
    "oob_score": false,
    "random_state": 42,
    "warm_start": false

  "random_forest_disp_classifier_args": {
    "max_depth": 30,
    "min_samples_leaf": 10,
    "n_jobs": -1,
    "n_estimators": 100,
    "criterion": "gini",
    "min_samples_split": 10,
    "min_weight_fraction_leaf": 0.0,
    "max_features": 1.0,
    "max_leaf_nodes": null,
    "min_impurity_decrease": 0.0,
    "bootstrap": true,
    "oob_score": false,
    "random_state": 42,
    "warm_start": false,
    "class_weight": null

  "random_forest_particle_classifier_args": {
    "max_depth": 30,
    "min_samples_leaf": 10,
    "n_jobs": -1,
    "n_estimators": 100,
    "criterion": "gini",
    "min_samples_split": 10,
    "min_weight_fraction_leaf": 0.0,
    "max_features": 1.0,
    "max_leaf_nodes": null,
    "min_impurity_decrease": 0.0,
    "bootstrap": true,
    "oob_score": false,
    "random_state": 42,
    "warm_start": false,
    "class_weight": null

  "energy_regression_features": [

  "disp_method": "disp_norm_sign",

  "disp_regression_features": [

  "disp_classification_features": [

  "particle_classification_features": [

  "allowed_tels": [1],
  "write_pe_image": false,
  "mc_image_scaling_factor": 1,
  "image_extractor": "LocalPeakWindowSum",
  "image_extractor_for_muons": "GlobalPeakWindowSum",
  "CameraCalibrator": {
    "apply_waveform_time_shift": false
  "time_sampling_correction_path": "default",
    "window_shift": 4,
    "window_width": 8,
    "apply_integration_correction": false
    "window_shift": 4,
    "window_width": 8,
    "apply_integration_correction": false

  "train_gamma_src_r_deg": [0, Infinity],

  "source_dependent": false,
  "mc_nominal_source_x_deg": 0.4,
  "mc_nominal_source_y_deg": 0.0,

    "algorithm": null,
    "parameters": {
  "calibration_product": "LSTCalibrationCalculator",

    "systematic_correction_path": null,
    "npe_median_cut_outliers": [-5,5],
    "squared_excess_noise_factor": 1.222,
    "flatfield_product": "FlasherFlatFieldCalculator",
    "pedestal_product": "PedestalIntegrator",
      "sample_size": 10000,
      "time_sampling_correction_path": null,
      "charge_median_cut_outliers": [-10,10],
      "charge_std_cut_outliers": [-10,10],
        "window_shift": 6,
        "peak_index": 18,
        "apply_integration_correction": false
      "sample_size": 10000,
      "time_sampling_correction_path": null,
      "charge_median_cut_outliers": [-0.9,2],
      "charge_std_cut_outliers": [-10,10],
      "time_cut_outliers": [2,38],
        "window_shift": 5,
        "apply_integration_correction": false
    "nsb_tuning": false,
    "nsb_tuning_rate_GHz": 0.15,
    "spe_location": null,
    "pre_computed_multiplicity": 10
    "DataWriter": {
      "overwrite":  true,
      "write_images": false,
      "write_parameters": false,
      "write_waveforms": true,
      "transform_waveform": true,
      "waveform_dtype": "uint16",
      "waveform_offset": 400,
      "waveform_scale": 80

DL1 to DL2

Use for real data and MC.

For more information, try --help or see the API Docs.

Configuration file

Here is an example configuration file for this step.

  "source_config" : {
    "EventSource": {
      "allowed_tels": [1],
      "max_events": null
    "LSTEventSource": {
      "default_trigger_type": "ucts",
      "allowed_tels": [1],
      "min_flatfield_adc": 3000,
      "min_flatfield_pixel_fraction": 0.8,
      "calibrate_flatfields_and_pedestals": false,
      "EventTimeCalculator": {
        "dragon_reference_counter": null,
        "dragon_reference_time": null
        "drive_report_path": null
        "drs4_pedestal_path": null,
        "calibration_path": null,
        "drs4_time_calibration_path": null

  "events_filters": {
    "intensity": [0, Infinity],
    "width": [0, Infinity],
    "length": [0, Infinity],
    "wl": [0, Infinity],
    "r": [0, Infinity],
    "leakage_intensity_width_2": [0, Infinity]
  "n_training_events": {
    "gamma_regressors": 1.0,
    "gamma_tmp_regressors": 0.8,
    "gamma_classifier": 0.2,
    "proton_classifier": 1.0

  "tailcut": {
    "delta_time": 2
  "tailcuts_clean_with_pedestal_threshold": {
    "delta_time": 2
  "dynamic_cleaning": {
    "apply": true,
    "threshold": 267,
    "fraction_cleaning_intensity": 0.03

  "random_forest_weight_settings": {
    "pointing_wise_weights": true

  "random_forest_zd_interpolation": {
    "interpolate_energy": true,
    "interpolate_gammaness": true,
    "interpolate_direction": true

  "random_forest_energy_regressor_args": {
    "max_depth": 30,
    "min_samples_leaf": 10,
    "n_jobs": -1,
    "n_estimators": 50,
    "bootstrap": true,
    "criterion": "squared_error",
    "max_features": 1.0,
    "max_leaf_nodes": null,
    "min_impurity_decrease": 0.0,
    "min_samples_split": 10,
    "min_weight_fraction_leaf": 0.0,
    "oob_score": false,
    "random_state": 42,
    "warm_start": false

  "random_forest_disp_regressor_args": {
    "max_depth": 30,
    "min_samples_leaf": 10,
    "n_jobs": -1,
    "n_estimators": 50,
    "bootstrap": true,
    "criterion": "squared_error",
    "max_features": 1.0,
    "max_leaf_nodes": null,
    "min_impurity_decrease": 0.0,
    "min_samples_split": 10,
    "min_weight_fraction_leaf": 0.0,
    "oob_score": false,
    "random_state": 42,
    "warm_start": false

  "random_forest_disp_classifier_args": {
    "max_depth": 30,
    "min_samples_leaf": 10,
    "n_jobs": -1,
    "n_estimators": 100,
    "criterion": "gini",
    "min_samples_split": 10,
    "min_weight_fraction_leaf": 0.0,
    "max_features": 1.0,
    "max_leaf_nodes": null,
    "min_impurity_decrease": 0.0,
    "bootstrap": true,
    "oob_score": false,
    "random_state": 42,
    "warm_start": false,
    "class_weight": null

  "random_forest_particle_classifier_args": {
    "max_depth": 30,
    "min_samples_leaf": 10,
    "n_jobs": -1,
    "n_estimators": 100,
    "criterion": "gini",
    "min_samples_split": 10,
    "min_weight_fraction_leaf": 0.0,
    "max_features": 1.0,
    "max_leaf_nodes": null,
    "min_impurity_decrease": 0.0,
    "bootstrap": true,
    "oob_score": false,
    "random_state": 42,
    "warm_start": false,
    "class_weight": null

  "energy_regression_features": [

  "disp_method": "disp_norm_sign",

  "disp_regression_features": [

  "disp_classification_features": [

  "particle_classification_features": [

  "allowed_tels": [1],
  "write_pe_image": false,
  "mc_image_scaling_factor": 1,
  "image_extractor": "LocalPeakWindowSum",
  "image_extractor_for_muons": "GlobalPeakWindowSum",
  "CameraCalibrator": {
    "apply_waveform_time_shift": false
  "time_sampling_correction_path": "default",
    "window_shift": 4,
    "window_width": 8,
    "apply_integration_correction": false
    "window_shift": 4,
    "window_width": 8,
    "apply_integration_correction": false

  "train_gamma_src_r_deg": [0, Infinity],

  "source_dependent": false,
  "mc_nominal_source_x_deg": 0.4,
  "mc_nominal_source_y_deg": 0.0,

    "algorithm": null,
    "parameters": {
  "calibration_product": "LSTCalibrationCalculator",

    "systematic_correction_path": null,
    "npe_median_cut_outliers": [-5,5],
    "squared_excess_noise_factor": 1.222,
    "flatfield_product": "FlasherFlatFieldCalculator",
    "pedestal_product": "PedestalIntegrator",
      "sample_size": 10000,
      "time_sampling_correction_path": null,
      "charge_median_cut_outliers": [-10,10],
      "charge_std_cut_outliers": [-10,10],
        "window_shift": 6,
        "peak_index": 18,
        "apply_integration_correction": false
      "sample_size": 10000,
      "time_sampling_correction_path": null,
      "charge_median_cut_outliers": [-0.9,2],
      "charge_std_cut_outliers": [-10,10],
      "time_cut_outliers": [2,38],
        "window_shift": 5,
        "apply_integration_correction": false
    "nsb_tuning": false,
    "nsb_tuning_rate_GHz": 0.15,
    "spe_location": null,
    "pre_computed_multiplicity": 10
    "DataWriter": {
      "overwrite":  true,
      "write_images": false,
      "write_parameters": false,
      "write_waveforms": true,
      "transform_waveform": true,
      "waveform_dtype": "uint16",
      "waveform_offset": 400,
      "waveform_scale": 80

DL2 to DL3

For a quick look into the data and perform \({\theta}^2/{\alpha}\) plots from DL2 files, you can use the notebook:

or the script: lstchain_significance_calculation

IRF creation

To write IRF files, you should use

For more information, try --help or see the API Docs.

Here is an example configuration file for the IRF creation step.

  "EventSelector": {
    "filters": {
      "intensity": [50, Infinity],
      "width": [0, Infinity],
      "length": [0, Infinity],
      "r": [0, 1],
      "wl": [0.01, 1],
      "leakage_intensity_width_2": [0, 1],
      "event_type": [32, 32]
  "DL3Cuts": {
    "min_event_p_en_bin": 100,
    "global_gh_cut": 0.7,
    "gh_efficiency": 0.7,
    "min_gh_cut": 0.1,
    "max_gh_cut": 0.98,
    "global_alpha_cut": 10,
    "global_theta_cut": 0.2,
    "theta_containment": 0.7,
    "alpha_containment": 0.7,
    "min_theta_cut": 0.1,
    "max_theta_cut": 0.32,
    "fill_theta_cut": 0.32,
    "min_alpha_cut": 1,
    "max_alpha_cut": 20,
    "fill_alpha_cut": 20,
    "allowed_tels": [1]
  "DataBinning": {
    "true_energy_min": 0.005,
    "true_energy_max": 500,
    "true_energy_n_bins": 25,
    "scale_true_energy": 1.0,
    "reco_energy_min": 0.005,
    "reco_energy_max": 500,
    "reco_energy_n_bins": 25,
    "energy_migration_min": 0.2,
    "energy_migration_max": 5,
    "energy_migration_n_bins": 30,
    "fov_offset_min": 0.1,
    "fov_offset_max": 1.1,
    "fov_offset_n_edges": 9,
    "bkg_fov_offset_min": 0,
    "bkg_fov_offset_max": 10,
    "bkg_fov_offset_n_edges": 21,
    "source_offset_min": 0,
    "source_offset_max": 1,
    "source_offset_n_edges": 101

Event list creation

To write DL3 files, you should use:



For more information, try --help or see the API Docs.

You should use the same configuration file used for the IRF creation (hence you have the same cuts).

Post DL3 analysis

You can analyze the resulting DL3 files using Gammapy

There is a notebook in cta-lstchain/notebooks that shows how to use Gammapy to perform a 1D on-off analysis for point-like sources.

Other analyses require additional packages. For example, for the 3D analysis of extended sources and creating sky maps, you can create a background model using one of the following packages:

For doing pulsar analysis we suggest using: