Large scale analyses#

This page is meant to be also a tutorial on how to perform large scale analyses with protopipe.


Standard analysis workflow with protopipe

Standard analysis workflow with protopipe.#


Preliminary operations#

  1. Get a proxy with dirac-proxy-init

  2. Choose the simulation production that you want to work on (this is reported e.g. in the CTA wiki)

  3. use cta-prod-dump-dataset to obtain the original lists of simtel files for each particle type

  4. use protopipe-SPLIT_DATASET to split the original lists depending on the chosen analysis workflow


For the moment, only the standard analysis workflow (stored under protopipe_grid_interface/aux) has been tested.


Make sure you are using a protopipe-CTADIRAC-based environment, otherwise you won’t be able to interface with DIRAC.

To monitor the jobs you can use the DIRAC Web Interface

Start your analysis#

  1. Setup analysis

    Use protopipe-CREATE_ANALYSIS to create a directory tree, depending on your setup.

    The script will store and partially edit for you all available configuration files under the configs folder. It will also create an analysis_metadata.yaml file which will store the basic information regarding your analysis on the grid and on your machine.


    To reproduce or access the analysis data of someone else on DIRAC it will be sufficient to modify the metadata key analyses_directory referred to your local path.

    To reproduce or access the analysis data of someone else on DIRAC it will be sufficient to modify the metadata key analyses_directory referred to your local path.

    Directory tree of a full analysis performed with protopipe.
  2. Obtain training data for energy estimation

    1. edit grid.yaml to use gammas without energy estimation

    2. protopipe-SUBMIT_JOBS --analysis_path=[...]/test_analysis --output_type=TRAINING ....

    3. once the jobs have concluded and the files are ready you can use protopipe-DOWNLOAD_AND_MERGE

    4. use protopipe-BENCHMARK to check the properties of the data sample you obtained

  3. Build the model for energy estimation

    1. edit the configuration file of your model of choice

    2. use protopipe-MODEL with this configuration file

    3. use protopipe-BENCHMARK to check the performance of the generated models

    4. use protopipe-UPLOAD_MODELS to upload models and configuration file to your analysis directory on the DIRAC File Catalog

  4. Obtain training data for particle classification

    1. edit grid.yaml to use gammas with energy estimation

    2. protopipe-SUBMIT_JOBS --analysis_path=[...]/test_analysis --output_type=TRAINING ....

    3. once the jobs have concluded and the files are ready you can use protopipe-DOWNLOAD_AND_MERGE

    4. repeat the first 3 points for protons

    5. use protopipe-BENCHMARK to check the quality of energy estimation on this data sample

  5. Build a model for particle classification

    1. edit RandomForestClassifier.yaml

    2. use protopipe-MODEL with this configuration file

    3. use protopipe-BENCHMARK to check the performance of the generated models

    4. use protopipe-UPLOAD_MODELS to upload models and configuration file to your analysis directory on the DIRAC File Catalog

  6. Get DL2 data

    Execute points 1 and 2 for gammas, protons, and electrons separately.

    1. protopipe-SUBMIT_JOBS --analysis_path=[...]/test_analysis --output_type=DL2 ....

    2. once the jobs have concluded and the files are ready you can use protopipe-DOWNLOAD_AND_MERGE

    3. use protopipe-BENCHMARK to check the quality of the generated DL2 data

  7. Estimate the performance (protopipe enviroment)

    1. edit performance.yaml

    2. launch protopipe-DL3-EventDisplay with this configuration file

    3. use protopipe-BENCHMARK to check the quality of the generated DL3 data


Issues with the login#

After issuing the command ``dirac-proxy-init`` I get the message “Your host clock seems to be off by more than a minute! Thats not good. We’ll generate the proxy but please fix your system time” (or similar)

This can happen if you are working from a container. Execute these commands:

  • systemctl status systemd-timesyncd.service

  • sudo systemctl restart systemd-timesyncd.service

  • timedatectl

Check that,

  • System clock synchronized: yes

  • systemd-timesyncd.service active: yes

After issuing the command ``dirac-proxy-init`` and typing my certificate password the process starts pending and gets stuck

One possible reason might be related to your network security settings. Some networks might require to add the option -L to dirac-proxy-init.

Issues with the download#

While downloading data I get “UTC Framework/API ERROR: Failures occurred during rm.getFile”

Something went wrong during the download phase, either because of your network connection (check for possible instabilities) or because of a problem on the server side (in which case the solution is out of your control).

The recommended approach is to download data using protopipe-DOWNLOAD_AND_MERGE. This script enables by the default a backup download based on an rsync-type command.


There is a known bug in DIRAC at least on macos which does not allow to use this feature until a new release.

Issues with the job submission#

I get an error like “Data too long for column ‘JobName’ at row 1” or similar

The job name is too long, try to modify it temporarily by editing, in the source code of the interface. There will be soon an option to modify this at launch time.

I get an error which starts with ‘FileCatalog._getEligibleCatalogs: Failed to get file catalog configuration. Path /Resources/FileCatalogs does not exist or it’s not a section’

This is a Configuration System error which is not fully debugged yet. Check that your dirac.cfg file is correctly edited. In some cases the interface code will re-try to issue some commands in case this happens.