-, reco_energy_bins, fov_offset_bins, point_like=True, extname='RAD_MAX', **header_cards)[source]
Create a fits binary table HDU in GADF format for the directional cut. See the specification at
- Parameters:
- rad_max: astropy.units.Quantity[angle]
Array of the directional (theta) cut. Must have shape (n_reco_energy_bins, n_fov_offset_bins)
- reco_energy_bins: astropy.units.Quantity[energy]
Bin edges in reconstructed energy
- fov_offset_bins: astropy.units.Quantity[angle]
Bin edges in the field of view offset. For Point-Like IRFs, only giving a single bin is appropriate.
- extname: str
Name for BinTableHDU
- **header_cards
Additional metadata to add to the header, use this to set e.g. TELESCOP or INSTRUME.