
class pyirf.simulations.SimulatedEventsInfo(n_showers, energy_min, energy_max, max_impact, spectral_index, viewcone_min, viewcone_max)[source]

Bases: object

Information about all simulated events, for calculating event weights.

n_showers: int

Total number of simulated showers. If reuse was used, this should already include the reuse.

energy_min: u.Quantity[energy]

Lower limit of the simulated energy range

energy_max: u.Quantity[energy]

Upper limit of the simulated energy range

max_impact: u.Quantity[length]

Maximum simulated impact parameter

spectral_index: float

Spectral Index of the simulated power law with sign included.

viewcone_min: u.Quantity[angle]

Inner angle of the viewcone

viewcone_max: u.Quantity[angle]

Outer angle of the viewcone

Attributes Summary


Upper limit of the simulated energy range


Lower limit of the simulated energy range


Maximum simualted impact radius


Total number of simulated showers, if reuse was used, this must already include reuse


Spectral index of the simulated power law with sign included


Outer viewcone angle


Inner viewcone angle

Methods Summary

calculate_n_showers_3d_lonlat(energy_bins, ...)

Calculate number of showers that were simulated in the given energy and 2D fov bins in nominal coordinates.

calculate_n_showers_3d_polar(energy_bins, ...)

Calculate number of showers that were simulated in the given energy and 2D fov bins in polar coordinates.


Calculate number of showers that were simulated in the given energy intervals


Calculate number of showers that were simulated in the given energy and fov bins.


Calculate number of showers that were simulated in the given fov bins.

Attributes Documentation


Upper limit of the simulated energy range


Lower limit of the simulated energy range


Maximum simualted impact radius


Total number of simulated showers, if reuse was used, this must already include reuse


Spectral index of the simulated power law with sign included


Outer viewcone angle


Inner viewcone angle

Methods Documentation

calculate_n_showers_3d_lonlat(energy_bins, fov_longitude_bins, fov_latitude_bins, subpixels=20)[source]

Calculate number of showers that were simulated in the given energy and 2D fov bins in nominal coordinates.

This assumes the events were generated uniformly distributed per solid angle, and from a powerlaw in energy like CORSIKA simulates events.

energy_bins: astropy.units.Quantity[energy]

The energy bin edges for which to calculate the number of simulated showers

fov_longitude_bins: astropy.units.Quantity[angle]

The FOV longitude bin edges for which to calculate the number of simulated showers

fov_latitude_bins: astropy.units.Quantity[angle]

The FOV latitude bin edges for which to calculate the number of simulated showers

n_showers: numpy.ndarray(ndim=3)

The expected number of events inside each of the energy_bins, fov_longitude_bins and fov_latitude_bins. Dimension (n_energy_bins, n_fov_longitude_bins, n_fov_latitude_bins) This is a floating point number. The actual numbers will follow a poissionian distribution around this expected value.

calculate_n_showers_3d_polar(energy_bins, fov_offset_bins, fov_position_angle_bins)[source]

Calculate number of showers that were simulated in the given energy and 2D fov bins in polar coordinates.

This assumes the events were generated uniformly distributed per solid angle, and from a powerlaw in energy like CORSIKA simulates events.

energy_bins: astropy.units.Quantity[energy]

The energy bin edges for which to calculate the number of simulated showers

fov_offset_bins: astropy.units.Quantity[angle]

The FOV radial bin edges for which to calculate the number of simulated showers

fov_position_angle_bins: astropy.units.Quantity[radian]

The FOV azimuthal bin edges for which to calculate the number of simulated showers

n_showers: numpy.ndarray(ndim=3)

The expected number of events inside each of the energy_bins, fov_offset_bins and fov_position_angle_bins. Dimension (n_energy_bins, n_fov_offset_bins, n_fov_position_angle_bins) This is a floating point number. The actual numbers will follow a poissionian distribution around this expected value.


Calculate number of showers that were simulated in the given energy intervals

This assumes the events were generated and from a powerlaw like CORSIKA simulates events.

energy_bins: astropy.units.Quantity[energy]

The interval edges for which to calculate the number of simulated showers

n_showers: numpy.ndarray

The expected number of events inside each of the energy_bins. This is a floating point number. The actual numbers will follow a poissionian distribution around this expected value.

calculate_n_showers_per_energy_and_fov(energy_bins, fov_bins)[source]

Calculate number of showers that were simulated in the given energy and fov bins.

This assumes the events were generated uniformly distributed per solid angle, and from a powerlaw in energy like CORSIKA simulates events.

energy_bins: astropy.units.Quantity[energy]

The energy bin edges for which to calculate the number of simulated showers

fov_bins: astropy.units.Quantity[angle]

The FOV bin edges for which to calculate the number of simulated showers

n_showers: numpy.ndarray(ndim=2)

The expected number of events inside each of the energy_bins and fov_bins. Dimension (n_energy_bins, n_fov_bins) This is a floating point number. The actual numbers will follow a poissionian distribution around this expected value.


Calculate number of showers that were simulated in the given fov bins.

This assumes the events were generated uniformly distributed per solid angle, like CORSIKA simulates events with the VIEWCONE option.

fov_bins: astropy.units.Quantity[angle]

The FOV bin edges for which to calculate the number of simulated showers

n_showers: numpy.ndarray(ndim=2)

The expected number of events inside each of the fov_bins. This is a floating point number. The actual numbers will follow a poissionian distribution around this expected value.