- class ptiming_ana.phaseogram.PEnergyAnalysis(energy_edges, do_diff=True, do_integral=False)#
MAIN CLASS FOR THE PULSAR ANALYSIS. A class to store the pulsar phases and mjd_times to be used in the Pulsar analysis. This class allows to develop all the timing pular analysis using different supporting classes and subclasses.
- Parameters:
- dataframedataframe containing info
DL2 LST file after the quality selection. Set daraframe to False if it is not available and want to set the attributes manually.
- energy_edges: List of float
Edges of the energy binning (in TeV)
- pdataList of float
List of phases (in case no dataframe is available).
- ptimes: List of float
List of mjd times (in case no dataframe is available).
- tobservation: float
Total effective time of observation
- peak_limits_1: tuple
Edges of the first peak. Set to None if no P1 is present.
- peak_limits_2: tuple
Edges of the second peak. Set to None if no P2 is present.
- off_limits: tuple
Edges of the OFF region
- binned: boolean
True for a binned fitting, False for an unbinned fitting.
- Attributes:
- energy_edges: list of float
List of edges for the energy binning
- energy_centres: list of float
List of center of the energy bins
- phaseslist of float
List of pulsar phases.
- timeslist of float
List of mjd times
- energies; list of float
List of energies
- tobsfloat
Effective time of observation in hours
- regions: PhaseRegions object
Information of the OFF/signal regions
- histogram: Lightcurve object
Information of the phaseogram
- stats: PeriodicityTest object
Information of Statistical Tests for searching Periodicity
- fitting: PeakFitting object
Information abot the fitting used for the peaks
Methods Summary
([colorh, ...])Methods Documentation
- FWHMVsEnergy(integral=None)#
- MeanVsEnergy(integral=None)#
- P1P2VsEnergy(integral=None)#
- P1P2_ratioVsEnergy(integral=None)#
- PSigVsEnergy(integral=None)#
- PeaksVsEnergy(integral=None)#
- run(pulsarana)#
- show_EnergyPresults(integral=None)#
- show_Energy_fitresults(integral=None)#
- show_Energy_lightcurve(integral=None)#
- show_joined_Energy_fits(integral=None)#
- show_joined_Energy_lightcurve(colorh=['tab:red', 'tab:purple', 'tab:blue', 'tab:brown', 'tab:cyan', 'tab:olive', 'tab:pink'], colorP=['orange', 'green', 'purple'], ylimits=None)#