- class ptiming_ana.phaseogram.PeriodicityTest(pulsar_phases)#
A class to apply and store the information of the periodicty tests.
- Parameters:
- pulsar_phasesPulsarPhases object
- Attributes:
- chisqr_test
Results of the chi square tests. Format: [Statistic, p_value, nsigmas]
- numberint
Number of phases used in the analysis
- coslist of float
Cosine moments of the list of phases
- sin: list of float
Sine moments of the list of phases
- Zntest_res:
Results of the Zn tests. Format: [Statistic, p_value, nsigmas]. Default is n=10
- Htest_res:
Results of the H test. Format: [Statistic, p_value, nsigmas]
Methods Summary
(pulsar_phases[, n])zn_test
([n])Methods Documentation
- H_test()#
- apply_all_tests(pulsar_phases)#
- apply_moment_tests()#
- moments(pulsar_phases, n=25)#
- show_Pstats()#
- zn_test(n=10)#