

If you already know you want to use protopipe on the DIRAC grid, please start from the installation based on its interface (protopipe-CTADIRAC base environment) and then come back here.

There are two different ways to install protopipe,

To perform full analyses, you will need some computational power in order to produce enough data files for model and performance estimation. This can be accomplished through the use of the DIRAC computing grid (Interface to the DIRAC grid).

Released version#

To install the latest released version it is sufficient to install the package from PyPI with pip install protopipe.

If you prefer to work from an Miniconda/Anaconda virtual environment you can create it by downloading the recipe and issue the following command from the base environment,

conda env create -f environment_latest_release.yml

Development version#

  1. fork the repository

  2. it is recommended to create a virtual environment (Miniconda/Anaconda users can use the environment_development.yml stored at the root of the cloned repository)

  3. pip install -e '.[all]'

The all keyword will install all extra requirements, which can be also installed separately using tests and/or docs.

Next steps#