Command line Scripts (scripts)
The scripts to be executed from the command line are described below:
Currently both scripts and Tools are meant to be run from the command line. Please see also Command line Tools (tools) section for more information.
Script to check the contents of LST DL1 files and associated muon ring files To run it, type e.g.: python –input-file dl1_LST-1.1.Run01881.0000.h5
or, for a whole run: python –input-file “dl1_LST-1.1.Run01881.*.h5”
It produces as output a datacheck_dl1_*.h5 file and a datacheck_dl1_*.pdf file containing data check information. If the input file is a single dl1 file, then the output file names contain the run and subrun index (otherwise, only the run index)
The script can also be run over one file of type datacheck_dl1_*.h5, and then only the plotting part is executed.
The muons_*.fits files which are produced together with the DL1 event files must be available in the same directory as the input files (of whatever type).
usage: lstchain_check_dl1 [-h] --input-file INPUT_FILE
[--output-dir OUTPUT_DIR] [--muons-dir MUONS_DIR]
[--max-cores MAX_CORES] [--omit-pdf] [--batch]
required arguments
- --input-file
Path to DL1 data file(s) (containing pixel-wise charge information and image parameters) OR to datacheck_dl1_*.h5 files (only plotting part is executed in that case)
Named Arguments
- --output-dir
Directory where the output files will be written
Default: “.”
- --muons-dir
Directory where the muon .fits files are located
- --max-cores
Maximum number of processes spawned
Default: 4
- --omit-pdf
Do NOT create the data check pdf file
Default: False
- --batch, -b
Run the script without plotting output
Default: False
Create a run summary for a given date containing the number of subruns, the start time of the run, type pf the run: DATA, DRS4, CALI, and the reference timestamp and counter of the run.
Create run summary file
usage: lstchain_create_run_summary [-h] -d DATE [--r0-path R0_PATH]
[-o OUTPUT_DIR] [--overwrite]
Named Arguments
- -d, --date
Date for the creation of the run summary in format YYYYMMDD
- --r0-path
Path to the R0 files. Default is /fefs/aswg/data/real/R0
Default: /fefs/aswg/data/real/R0
- -o, --output-dir
Directory in which Run Summary file is written
Default: /fefs/aswg/data/real/monitoring/RunSummary
- --overwrite
Overwrite existing Run Summary file
Default: False
- -t, --tcu-server
TCU database server
Default: “lst101-int”
Script to create drs4 time correction coefficients
Input: fits.fz file
Output: time_calibration.hdf5 file
Usage: $> python –input-file LST-1.1.Run01625.0000.fits.fz or input-file LST-1.1.Run01625.000*.fits.fz –output-file time_calibration.Run1625.0000.hdf5
usage: lstchain_data_create_time_calibration_file [-h] --input-file INPUT_FILE
--output-file OUTPUT_FILE
[--max-events MAX_EVENTS]
[--config CONFIG]
Named Arguments
- --input-file
Path to fits.fz file used to create the time calibration file. Allowed to use regular expression in given path to process subruns
- --output-file
Path where script creates the time calibration file
- --max-events
Maximum numbers of events to read. Default = 20000
Default: 20000
- --config, -c
Path to a configuration file. If none is given, a standard configuration is applied
- --pedestal-file, -p
Path to drs4 pedestal file
- --run-summary-path
Path to run summary file
- --no-progress
Do not display a progress bar during event processing
Default: False
- --flatfield-heuristic
If given, try to identify flatfield events from the raw data. Should be used only for data from before 2022
- --no-flatfield-heuristic
If given, do not to identify flatfield events from the raw data. Should be used only for data from before 2022
Pipeline to calibrate and compute image parameters at single telescope level for real data. - Inputs are a protozfits input file and a drs4 pedestal/calibration/time calibration files - Output is a dataframe with dl1 data
$> python –input-file LST-1.1.Run02030.0000.fits.fz –output-dir ./ –pedestal-file drs4_pedestal.Run2028.0000.h5 –calibration-file calibration.Run2029.0000.hdf5 –time-calibration-file time_calibration.Run2029.0000.hdf5
R0 to DL1
usage: lstchain_data_r0_to_dl1 [-h] -f INPUT_FILE [-o OUTPUT_DIR]
[--calibration-file CALIBRATION_FILE]
[--time-calibration-file TIME_CALIBRATION_FILE]
[--systematic-correction-file SYSTEMATIC_CORRECTION_FILE]
[--config CONFIG_FILE]
[--pointing-file POINTING_FILE]
[--dragon-reference-time DRAGON_REFERENCE_TIME]
[--dragon-reference-counter DRAGON_REFERENCE_COUNTER]
[--dragon-module-id DRAGON_MODULE_ID]
[-r RUN_SUMMARY_PATH] [--max-events MAX_EVENTS]
[--pedestal-ids-path PEDESTAL_IDS_PATH]
[--default-trigger-type DEFAULT_TRIGGER_TYPE]
Named Arguments
- -f, --input-file
Path to the .fits.fz file with the raw events
- -o, --output-dir
Path where to store the reco dl1 events
Default: ./dl1_data/
- -p, --pedestal-file, -p
Path to a pedestal file
- --calibration-file, --calib
Path to a calibration file
- --time-calibration-file, -t
Path to a calibration file for pulse time correction
- --systematic-correction-file, --systematics
Path to the file with the calibration systematics corrections
- --config, -c
Path to a configuration file. If none is given, a standard configuration is applied
- --pointing-file, --pointing
Path to the Drive log file with the pointing information.
- --dragon-reference-time
UCTS timestamp in nsecs, unix format and TAI scale of the first event of the run with valid timestamp. If none is passed, the start-of-the-run timestamp is provided, hence Dragon timestamp is not reliable.
- --dragon-reference-counter
Dragon counter (pps + 10MHz) in nsecs corresponding to the first reliable UCTS of the run. To be provided along with ucts_t0_dragon.
- --dragon-module-id
Dragon module to use for the timestamp calculation (pps + 10MHz) to the first reliable UCTS of the run. To be provided along with ucts_t0_dragon.
- -r, --run-summary-path
Path to the run summary of the correct night. Used to extract dragon reference values
- --max-events
Maximum number of events to be processed.
- --pedestal-ids-path
Path to the file containing the event ids of interleaved pedestals
- --flatfield-heuristic
If given, try to identify flatfield events from the raw data. Should be used only for data from before 2022
- --no-flatfield-heuristic
If given, do not to identify flatfield events from the raw data. Should be used only for data from before 2022
- --default-trigger-type
Alias for LSTEventSource.default_trigger_type, can be set to “tib” for runs with UCTS problems.
Script to perform the analysis of muon events.
Inputs are a DL1a data file (pixel information is needed) and a calibration file
Output is a table with muon parameters (to be updated to a dataframe!)
$> python –input-file dl1_Run01566_0322.h5 –output-file Data_table.fits –calibration-file calibration.Run2029.0000.hdf5
usage: lstchain_dl1_muon_analysis [-h] --input-file INPUT_FILE --output-file
OUTPUT_FILE [--calibration-file CALIB_FILE]
[--plot-rings] [--plots-path PLOTS_PATH]
[--max-muons MAX_MUONS]
Named Arguments
- --input-file, -f
Path to DL1a data file (containing charge information).
- --output-file, -o
Path to create the output fits table with muon parameters
- --calibration-file, --calib
Path to corresponding calibration file (containing bad pixel information).
- --plot-rings
Plot figures of the stored rings
Default: False
- --plots-path
Path to the plots
- --max-muons
Maximum number of processed muon ring candidates
Run the DL1 to DL2 step: Pipeline for the reconstruction of Energy, disp and gamma/hadron separation of events stored in a DL1 file. It takes DL1 file(s) and trained Random Forests as input and outputs DL2 data file(s). Run lstchain_dl1_to_dl2 –help to see the options.
Run the DL1 to DL2 step: Pipeline for the reconstruction of Energy, disp and gamma/hadron separation of events stored in a DL1 file. It takes DL1 file(s) and trained Random Forests as input and outputs DL2 data file(s). Run lstchain_dl1_to_dl2 –help to see the options.
usage: lstchain_dl1_to_dl2 [-h] --input-files INPUT_FILES [INPUT_FILES ...]
[--path-models PATH_MODELS]
[--output-dir OUTPUT_DIR] [--config CONFIG_FILE]
Named Arguments
- --input-files, -f
Path (or list of paths) to a DL1 HDF5 file
- --path-models, -p
Path where to find the trained RF
Default: ./trained_models
- --output-dir, -o
Path where to store the reco dl2 events
Default: ./dl2_data
- --config, -c
Path to a configuration file. If none is given, a standard configuration is applied
Read a HDF5 DL1 file, recompute parameters based on calibrated images and pulse times and a config file and write a new HDF5 file Updated parameters are : Hillas paramaters, wl, r, leakage, n_islands, intercept, time_gradient - Input: DL1 data file. - Output: DL1 data file. Usage: $> python –input-file dl1_gamma_20deg_0deg_run8___cta-prod3-lapalma-2147m-LaPalma-FlashCam.simtel.gz
Recompute DL1b parameters from a DL1a file
usage: lstchain_dl1ab [-h] -f INPUT_FILE -o OUTPUT_FILE
[--catB-calibration-file CATB_CALIBRATION_FILE]
[--max-unusable-pixels MAX_UNUSABLE_PIXELS]
[-c CONFIG_FILE] [--no-image] [--no-pedestal-cleaning]
Named Arguments
- -f, --input-file
path to the DL1a file
- -o, --output-file
key for the table of new parameters
- --catB-calibration-file
path to the Cat-B calibration file
- --max-unusable-pixels
Maximum accepted number of unusable pixels. Default: 70 (= 10 modules)
Default: 70
- -c, --config
Path to a configuration file. If none is given, a standard configuration is applied
- --no-image
Pass this argument to avoid writing the images in the new DL1 files.
Default: False
- --no-pedestal-cleaning
Disable pedestal cleaning. This is also done automatically for simulations.
Default: True
This script reads all DL1 subrun files (i.e. not merged) in the input directory, and finds the event_id’s of interleaved pedestals. It writes them out into one hdf5 file for each sub-run, called pedestal_ids_RunXXXXX.YYYY.h5, which contains a single table with one column, ‘event_id’
Interleaved Pedestal Finder
usage: lstchain_find_pedestals [-h] [-d SRCDIR] output-dir
Positional Arguments
- output-dir
Path where to store the output hdf5 files
Named Arguments
- -d, --input-dir
path to the directory of the DL1 files
Default: ./
This script reads in LST1 DL1 datacheck files, of those containing info for a whole run, with name pattern datacheck_dl1_LST-1.Run?????.h5. It takes all files in the input directory. It also reads, in the directory indicated ( muons-dir), the corresponding muons*fits files if available.
The output is the file longterm_dl1_check.h5 file (the name can be modified via commandline), which contains tables with some run-wise summary values for plotting long-term evolution of the DL1 data.
It also produces an interactive web page, longterm_dl1_check.html with plots showing the evolution of many such values. If not in batch mode, the page is opened by the default browser at the end of execution.
It also produces a longterm_dl1_check.log file with warnings about values which are beyond certain limits.
DL1 multi-run data checker
usage: lstchain_longterm_dl1_check [-h] [--input-dir INPUT_DIR]
[--muons-dir MUONS_DIR]
[--output-file OUTPUT_FILE] [--batch]
Named Arguments
- --input-dir, -d
path to the datacheck_dl1_LST-1.RunXXXXX.h5 files
Default: ./
- --muons-dir
path to the muons_LST-1.RunXXXXX.YYYY.fits files
Default: ./
- --output-file, -o
.h5 output file name
Default: ./longterm_dl1_check.h5
- --batch, -b
Run the script without opening html output
Default: False
Pipeline to calibrate and compute image parameters at single telescope level for MC. - Inputs are simtelarray files. - Output is a dataframe with dl1 data.
$> python –input-file gamma_20deg_0deg_run8___cta-prod3-lapalma-2147m-LaPalma-FlashCam.simtel.gz
R0 to DL1
usage: lstchain_mc_r0_to_dl1 [-h] [--input-file INPUT_FILE]
[--output-dir OUTPUT_DIR] [--config CONFIG_FILE]
Named Arguments
- --input-file, -f
Path to the simtelarray file
- --output-dir, -o
Path where to store the reco dl1 events
Default: ./dl1_data/
- --config, -c
Path to a configuration file. If none is given, a standard configuration is applied
Pipeline to calibrate and compute image parameters at single telescope level for MC.
Inputs are simtelarray files and trained Random Forests. Output is a dataframe with DL2 data.
$> python –input-file gamma_20deg_0deg_run8___cta-prod3-lapalma-2147m-LaPalma-FlashCam.simtel.gz –path-models ./trained_models
MC Pipeline R0 to DL2.
usage: lstchain_mc_r0_to_dl2 [-h] [--input-file DATAFILE]
[--path-models PATH_MODELS] [--no-dl1]
[--output-dir OUTPUT_DIR] [--config CONFIG_FILE]
Named Arguments
- --input-file, -f
path to the file with simtelarray events
- --path-models, -p
Path where to find the trained RF
Default: “./trained_models”
- --no-dl1
If given, the dl1 file is removed after creating the dl2 output
Default: False
- --output-dir, -o
Path where to store the reco dl2 events
Default: ./dl2_data
- --config, -c
Path to a configuration file. If none is given, a standard configuration is applied
Pipeline to test train three Random Forests destinated to Energy, disp reconstruction and Gamma/Hadron separation and test the performance of Random Forests.
Inputs are DL1 files Outputs are the RF trained models
Train and Apply Random Forests.
usage: lstchain_mc_rfperformance [-h] [--input-file-gamma-train GAMMAFILE]
[--input-file-proton-train PROTONFILE]
[--input-file-gamma-test GAMMATEST]
[--input-file-proton-test PROTONTEST]
[--no-save-models] [--batch BATCH]
[--output_dir PATH_MODELS]
[--config CONFIG_FILE]
Named Arguments
- --input-file-gamma-train, --g-train
path to the dl1 file of gamma events for training
- --input-file-proton-train, --p-train
path to the dl1 file of proton events for training
- --input-file-gamma-test, --g-test
path to the dl1 file of gamma events for test
- --input-file-proton-test, --p-test
path to the dl1 file of proton events for test
- --no-save-models
Disable storing trained models
Default: True
- --batch, -b
Boolean. True for running it without plotting output
Default: True
- --output_dir, -o
Path to store the resulting RF
Default: “./saved_models/”
- --config, -c
Path to a configuration file. If none is given, a standard configuration is applied
Script to compute the LST sensitivity using MC.
Inputs are DL1/DL2 gamma and proton files
$> python –gdl2 dl2_gammas.h5 –pdl2 dl2_protons.h5 –o /output/path
Compute MC sensitivity curve.
usage: lstchain_mc_sensitivity [-h] [--input-file-gamma-dl2 DL2_FILE_G]
[--input-file-proton-dl2 DL2_FILE_P]
[--input-file-on-dl2 DL2_FILE_ON]
[--output_path OUTPUT_PATH]
Named Arguments
- --input-file-gamma-dl2, --gdl2
path to reconstructed gammas dl2 file
- --input-file-proton-dl2, --pdl2
path to reconstructed protons dl2 file
- --input-file-on-dl2, --ondl2
path to reconstructed ON dl2 file
- --output_path, --o
path where to save plot images
Pipeline to train three Random Forests destinated to Energy, disp reconstruction and Gamma/Hadron separation. The resulting RF models can be stored in files for later use on data.
Inputs are DL1 gamma and proton files Outputs are RF trained models
$> python lst-trainpipe –input_file_gamma dl1_gamma_20deg_180deg_cta-prod3-demo-2147m-LaPalma-baseline-mono_off0.4_merge_test.h5 –input-file-proton dl1_proton_20deg_180degcta-prod3-demo-2147m-LaPalma-baseline-mono_merge_test.h5
Train Random Forests.
usage: lstchain_mc_trainpipe [-h] --input-file-gamma GAMMAFILE
--input-file-proton PROTONFILE [--no-save-models]
[--output-dir PATH_MODELS] [--config CONFIG_FILE]
Named Arguments
- --input-file-gamma, --fg
Path to the dl1 file of gamma events for training
- --input-file-proton, --fp
Path to the dl1 file of proton events for training
- --no-save-models
Disable storing trained models
Default: True
- --output-dir, -o
Path to store the resulting RF
Default: “./trained_models/”
- --config, -c
Path to a configuration file. If none is given, a standard configuration is applied
Merge all HDF5 files resulting from parallel reconstructions present in a directory. Every dataset in the files must be readable with pandas.
Input: several hdf5 files.
Output single hdf5 file.
$> python –input-dir ./
Merge HDF5 files
usage: lstchain_merge_hdf5_files [-h] -d INPUT_DIR [-o OUTPUT_FILE]
[--no-image] [-r RUN_NUMBER] [-p PATTERN]
[--no-progress] [--skip-checks]
[--keys-to-copy [KEYS_TO_COPY ...]]
Named Arguments
- -d, --input-dir
path to the source directory of files
- -o, --output-file
Path of the resulting merged file
Default: “merge.h5”
- --no-image
Do not include images in output file
Default: False
- -r, --run-number
Merge files run-wise if a run number is passedotherwise merge all files in the directory
- -p, --pattern
Glob pattern to match files
Default: “*.h5”
- --no-progress
Do not display the progress bar during event processing
Default: False
- --skip-checks
Skip checks when merging files
Default: False
- --keys-to-copy
List of duplicated keys to be copied and not to be merged
Default: []
Merge all fits files resulting from parallel muon reconstructions present in a directory.
Input: several fits files.
Output single fits file.
$> python –input-dir ./ –run-number 1881
Merge fits files
usage: lstchain_merge_muon_files [-h] [--input-dir SRCDIR]
[--output-file OUTFILE]
[--run-number RUN_NUMBER] [--pattern PATTERN]
Named Arguments
- --input-dir, -d
path to the source directory of files
- --output-file, -o
Path of the resulting merged file
Default: “merge.fits”
- --run-number, -r
Merge files run-wise if a run number is passed, otherwise merge all files in the directory
- --pattern, -p
Glob pattern to match files
Default: “*.fits”
$> python –config config_file.json (must be the one used in the DL1 production) –input-mc simtel_file.simtel.gz simulation simtel file –input-data dl1_data.h5 real data DL1 file
Calculates the parameters needed to tune the NSB in MC DL1 files (in the DL1ab stage) to the level of NSB in a given data file
Tune NSB
usage: lstchain_tune_nsb [-h] --config CONFIG --input-mc INPUT_MC --input-data
INPUT_DATA [--output-file OUTPUT_FILE] [--overwrite]
Named Arguments
- --config
Path to the configuration file for the production (must be the one used for calibration and DL1 creation)
- --input-mc
Path to a simtel file of the production (must include the true p.e. images)
- --input-data
Path to a data DL1 file of the production (must include DL1a)
- --output-file, -o
Path to a output file where to dump the update config
- --overwrite
Use to overwrite output-file
Default: False
Dump lstchain config in a file.
usage: lstchain_dump_config [-h] [-o OUTPUT_FILE] [--update-with UPDATE_WITH]
[--mc] [--src-dep] [--overwrite]
Named Arguments
- -o, --output-file
path to the output file containing the config
Default: lstchain_config.json
- --update-with
Path to a partial config to update the full config with
- --mc
Use to dump a modified standard configuration for Monte-Carlo analysis
Default: False
- --src-dep
Use to dump a modified standard configuration for source dependent analysis
Default: False
- --overwrite
Overwrite existing output file
Default: False