High Level Analysis (high_level)
Library containing the functions and classes to perform LST high level analysis.
lstchain.high_level.hdu_table Module
Module containing functions to create DL3 event lists and DL3 index files, following recommendations from GADF v0.3
For reference to the documentation of GADF v0.3 follow various sections in, https://gamma-astro-data-formats.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
Updating data with ICRS position values of reconstructed positions in RA, DEC coordinates and add a column, theta, on separation from the true source position. |
Create the BinTableHDUs for storing DL3 event data. |
Create the hdu index table and write it to the given file. |
Create the obs index table and write it to the given file. |
Fill the reconstructed alt, az positions with the expected source positions, for source-dependent analysis. |
Retrieve some timing parameters for the DL3 event list as a dict and also have a common time_utc object for use in other functions. |
Convert the telescope pointing directions into ICRS frame of reference, and average them for the run (excluding the first events, for which there may be some mispointing due to not-yet-stable tracking). |
Retrieve some timing parameters for the DL3 event list as a dict and also have a common time_utc object for use in other functions. |
lstchain.high_level.interpolate Module
From a given list of IRFs as grid points used for interpolation, retrieve the Delaunay triangulation list of IRFs, where the simplex includes the target points in data_params. |
Compare the given list of IRFs with data binning and relevant metadata values. |
Check to see if a given IRF node overlaps with another node, in the interpolation parameter space, and to select based on the azimuth angle, the nearest node to the target. |
From a given list of angular parameters, to be used for interpolation, take values from a given data dict. |
Interpolates a grid of GH_CUTS or AL_CUTS tables to a target-point. |
Using pyirf functions with a list of IRFs and parameters to compare with data, to interpolate over in a selected interpolation parameter space. |
From a given list of IRFs, load the list of IRF data values that can be interpolated. |
lstchain.high_level.significance_calculation Module
Collection of core analysis methods
Extracts the theta2 plot of a dataset taken with ON/OFF observations |
Extracts the theta2 plot of a dataset taken with wobble observations |
Setup logger console and file descriptors |