MonteCarlo (mc)


Module containing functions to analyze MC data and compute sensitivity curves.

Reference/API Module


int_diff_sp(emin, emax, sp_idx, e0)

power_law_integrated_distribution(emin, ...)

For each bin, return the expected number of events for a power-law distribution.

rate(shape, emin, emax, param, cone, area)

Calculates the rate of events for a power-law distribution, in a given energy range, collection area and solid angle

weight(shape, emin, emax, sim_sp_idx, rate, ...)

Calculates the weight of events to transform a power-law distribution with spectral index sim_sp_idx to a power-law distribution with spectral index w_sp_idx Module


fill_bin_content(ax, sensitivity, ...)

Function to fill bin content to be plotted in the case of an optimized figure array

format_axes_array(ax, arr_i, arr_j, plot)

Format axes for the theta2 and gammaness optimization for a figure array with all energy bins together

format_axes_ebin(ax, img)

Format axes for the theta2 and gammaness optimization per energy bin


Format axes of the sensitivity plot

plot_Crab_SED(emin, emax[, percentage, ax])

Plot a percentage of the Crab SED

plot_positions_survived_events(df_gammas, ...)

Plot positions of surviving events after cuts

plot_sensitivity(energy, sensitivity[, ax])

Plot the achieved sensitivity

sensitivity_minimization_plot(n_bins_energy, ...)

Plot the sensitivity minimization plots in different energy bins to check that the theta2 and gammaness cuts were properly applied

sensitivity_plot_comparison(energy, sensitivity)

Main sensitivity plot. Module


bin_definition(n_bins_gammaness, n_bins_theta2)

Define binning in gammaness and theta2 for the optimization of the sensitivity

calculate_sensitivity(n_excesses, ...)

Sensitivity calculation using n_excesses/sqrt(n_background)

calculate_sensitivity_lima(n_signal, ...)

Sensitivity calculation using the Li & Ma formula eq.

diff_events_after_cut(events, rates, ...)

This function calculates the difference between the number of events after the cut in feature and gamma_efficiency*total number of events

find_cut(events, rates, obstime, feature, ...)

Find cut in feature that corresponds to gamma efficiency.

get_weights(mc_par, spectral_par)

Calculate the weight to transform from MC spectra to target spectra

process_mc(dl2_file, mc_type)

Process the MC simulated and reconstructed to extract the relevant parameters to compute the sensitivity



Read MC simulated parameters

ring_containment(angdist2, ring_radius, ...)

Calculate containment of cosmic ray particles with reconstructed positions within a ring of radius=ring_radius and half width=ring_halfwidth

samesign(a, b)

Check if two numbers have the same sign Parameters ---------- a: float b: float

sensitivity_gamma_efficiency(dl2_file_g, ...)

Main function to calculate the sensitivity for cuts based on gamma efficiency


Main function to calculate the sensitivity for cuts based on gamma efficiency using real data as ON and OFF events


Main function to calculate the sensitivity for cuts based on gamma efficiency using real protons as background events