sensitivity_gamma_efficiency, dl2_file_p, ntelescopes_gammas, ntelescopes_protons, n_bins_energy, gamma_eff_gammaness, gamma_eff_theta2, noff, obstime=<Quantity 180000. s>)

Main function to calculate the sensitivity for cuts based on gamma efficiency

dl2_file_g: `string` path to h5 file of reconstructed gammas
dl2_file_p: `string’ path to h5 file of reconstructed protons
ntelescopes_gammas: `int` number of telescopes used
ntelescopes_protons: `int` number of telescopes used
n_bins_energy: `int` number of bins in energy
gamma_eff_gammaness: `float` between 0 and 1 %/100
of gammas to be left after cut in gammaness
gamma_eff_theta2: `float` between 0 and 1 %/100
of gammas to be left after cut in theta2
noff: `float` ratio between the background and the signal region
obstime: `Quantity` Observation time in seconds
energy: array center of energy bins
sensitivity: array sensitivity per energy bin