- lstchain.high_level.interpolate.interpolate_irf(irfs, data_pars, interp_method='linear')
Using pyirf functions with a list of IRFs and parameters to compare with data, to interpolate over in a selected interpolation parameter space.
Currently for the single telescope, we are using only cos zenith and sin delta as the interpolation parameters for the IRFs, and not including the contributions from azimuth direction (of the shower) as that becomes significant only when considering a stereo system of telescopes. Hence, we have to perform the selection criteria only for the selected interpolation parameters.
Along with IRFs, energy-dependent theta and gammaness cuts, RAD_MAX and GH_CUTS respectively, are also interpolated if they exist in the list of IRFs provided.
- Parameters:
- irfs: List of IRFs to use to interpolate
- data_pars: Dict of arrays of range of parameters of the observed data
in the event list, to check for interpolation. ‘Dict’
- interp_method: Method of interpolation to be used by
scipy.interpolate.griddata. Values can be “linear”, “nearest”, “cubic” ‘Str’
- Returns:
- irf_interp: Final interpolated IRF