
lstchain.datachecks.dl1_checker.process_dl1_file(filename, bins, tel_id=1)

Process DL1 file

filename: str, or Path

input DL1 .h5 file to be checked

bins: DL1DataCheckHistogramBins container

indicating binning of histograms

tel_id: int

Telescope ID (default=1)

dl1datacheck_pedestals, dl1datacheck_flatfield, dl1datacheck_cosmics
Containers of type DL1DataCheckContainer, with info on the three types of
events: interleaved pedestals, interleaved flatfield events, and cosmics.
If one or more of them is None, it means they have not been filled,
due to lack of events if the given type in the input DL1 file.
configuration: string containing the configuration stored in the attrs of
the input dl1 table (settings used in the analysis)