- class lstchain.io.event_selection.DL3Cuts(**kwargs: Any)
Selection cuts for DL2 to DL3 conversion
Attributes Summary
List of allowed LST telescope ids
Percentage containment region for alpha cuts
Fill value of alpha cut (deg) in an energy bin with fewer than minimum number of events present
Fill value of theta cut (deg) in an energy bin with fewer than minimum number of events present
Gamma efficiency for optimized g/h cuts in %
Global selection cut (deg) for alpha
Global selection cut for gh_score (gammaness)
Global selection cut (deg) for theta
Maximum alpha cut (deg) in an energy bin
Maximum gh_score (gammaness) cut in an energy bin
Maximum theta cut (deg) in an energy bin
Minimum alpha cut (deg) in an energy bin
Minimum events per energy bin, to evaluate percentile cuts
Minimum gh_score (gammaness) cut in an energy bin
Minimum theta cut (deg) in an energy bin
Percentage containment region for theta cuts
Methods Summary
(data)Applying a filter on telescopes used for observation.
(data, ...)Applying a given energy-dependent alpha cuts on a given data, along the reco energy bins.
(data, gh_cuts)Applying a given energy-dependent gh cuts on the given data, along the reco energy bins.
(data, ...)Applying a given energy-dependent theta cuts on a given data, along the reco energy bins.
(data)Applying a global alpha cut on a given data
(data)Applying a global gammaness cut on a given data
(data)Applying a global theta cut on a given data
(data, energy_bins)Evaluating an optimized energy-dependent alpha cuts, in a given data, with provided reco energy bins, and other parameters to pass to the pyirf.cuts.calculate_percentile_cut function.
(data, energy_bins)Evaluating energy-dependent gammaness cuts, in a given data, with provided reco energy bins, and other parameters to pass to the pyirf.cuts.calculate_percentile_cut function
(data, energy_bins)Evaluating energy-dependent theta cuts, in a given MC data, with provided reco energy bins, and other parameters to pass to the pyirf.cuts.calculate_percentile_cut function.
(cut_table)For an energy-dependent cut table, update the cuts for bins with number of events fewer than the minimum number, for which pyirf uses a constant fill_value, usually at the energy threshold limits, with cut evaluated at the nearest bin with number of events more than the given minimum.
Attributes Documentation
- allowed_tels
List of allowed LST telescope ids
- alpha_containment
Percentage containment region for alpha cuts
- fill_alpha_cut
Fill value of alpha cut (deg) in an energy bin with fewer than minimum number of events present
- fill_theta_cut
Fill value of theta cut (deg) in an energy bin with fewer than minimum number of events present
- gh_efficiency
Gamma efficiency for optimized g/h cuts in %
- global_alpha_cut
Global selection cut (deg) for alpha
- global_gh_cut
Global selection cut for gh_score (gammaness)
- global_theta_cut
Global selection cut (deg) for theta
- max_alpha_cut
Maximum alpha cut (deg) in an energy bin
- max_gh_cut
Maximum gh_score (gammaness) cut in an energy bin
- max_theta_cut
Maximum theta cut (deg) in an energy bin
- min_alpha_cut
Minimum alpha cut (deg) in an energy bin
- min_event_p_en_bin
Minimum events per energy bin, to evaluate percentile cuts
- min_gh_cut
Minimum gh_score (gammaness) cut in an energy bin
- min_theta_cut
Minimum theta cut (deg) in an energy bin
- theta_containment
Percentage containment region for theta cuts
Methods Documentation
- allowed_tels_filter(data)
Applying a filter on telescopes used for observation.
- apply_energy_dependent_alpha_cuts(data, alpha_cuts)
Applying a given energy-dependent alpha cuts on a given data, along the reco energy bins.
- apply_energy_dependent_gh_cuts(data, gh_cuts)
Applying a given energy-dependent gh cuts on the given data, along the reco energy bins.
- apply_energy_dependent_theta_cuts(data, theta_cuts)
Applying a given energy-dependent theta cuts on a given data, along the reco energy bins.
- apply_global_alpha_cut(data)
Applying a global alpha cut on a given data
- apply_global_gh_cut(data)
Applying a global gammaness cut on a given data
- apply_global_theta_cut(data)
Applying a global theta cut on a given data
- energy_dependent_alpha_cuts(data, energy_bins, smoothing=None)
Evaluating an optimized energy-dependent alpha cuts, in a given data, with provided reco energy bins, and other parameters to pass to the pyirf.cuts.calculate_percentile_cut function.
Note: Using too fine binning will result in too un-smooth cuts.
- energy_dependent_gh_cuts(data, energy_bins, smoothing=None)
Evaluating energy-dependent gammaness cuts, in a given data, with provided reco energy bins, and other parameters to pass to the pyirf.cuts.calculate_percentile_cut function
- energy_dependent_theta_cuts(data, energy_bins, use_same_disp_sign=True, smoothing=None)
Evaluating energy-dependent theta cuts, in a given MC data, with provided reco energy bins, and other parameters to pass to the pyirf.cuts.calculate_percentile_cut function.
For MC events, the disp_sign may be reconstructed incorrectly with respect to the true value, and thus resulting in a bi-modal PSF. For evaluating the energy-dependent theta cuts, we want to consider, only the central region of PSF. To fix this issue, by default, we apply a mask on the data, so as to only use events with the same disp_sign after reconstruction, for evaluating the percentile cut.
Note: In this case, at low energies, where disp_sign determination is pretty uncertain, an efficiency of 40% or larger will result in a cut which keeps the whole central region of the PSF.
If the user wishes to not use this method, they can make the boolean use_same_disp_sign as False.
Note: Using too fine binning will result in too un-smooth cuts.
- update_fill_cuts(cut_table)
For an energy-dependent cut table, update the cuts for bins with number of events fewer than the minimum number, for which pyirf uses a constant fill_value, usually at the energy threshold limits, with cut evaluated at the nearest bin with number of events more than the given minimum.
In the case, where the low-events bin is in between high-events bins, the cut value for that low-events bin is taken as the mean of the neighbouring cut values.