
lstchain.io.io.write_dataframe(dataframe, outfile, table_path, mode='a', index=False, config=None, meta=None, filters=Filters(complevel=1, complib='blosc:zstd', shuffle=True, bitshuffle=False, fletcher32=True, least_significant_digit=None))

Write a pandas dataframe to a HDF5 file using pytables formatting.


The dataframe to be written to the HDF5 file.


The path to the output HDF5 file.


The path to the table to write in the HDF5 file.

mode: str

If given a path for h5file, it will be opened in this mode. See the docs of tables.open_file.

indexbool, optional

Whether to include the index of the dataframe in the output. Default is False.

configdict, optional

Configuration metadata to be stored as an attribute of the output table. Default is None.

metalstchain.io.lstcontainers.MetaData, optional

Global metadata to be stored as attributes of the output table. Default is None.

filterstables.Filters, optional

Filters to apply when writing the output table. Default is tables.Filters(complevel=1, complib=’zstd’, shuffle=True).
