- class lstchain.tools.lstchain_dl1_to_dl2.DL1ToDL2Tool(**kwargs: Any)
Attributes Summary
Path to a configuration file.
Path (or list of paths) to a DL1 HDF5 file
Path where to store the reco dl2 events
Path where to find the trained RF
Methods Summary
()Set up the tool.
()Main function of the tool.
Attributes Documentation
- aliases: StrDict = {('c', 'config'): 'DL1ToDL2Tool.config_file', ('f', 'input-files'): 'DL1ToDL2Tool.input_files', ('o', 'output-dir'): 'DL1ToDL2Tool.output_dir', ('p', 'path-models'): 'DL1ToDL2Tool.path_models'}
- config_file
Path to a configuration file. If none is given, a standard configuration is applied
- description: str | Unicode[str, str | bytes] = '\nRun the DL1 to DL2 step: Pipeline for the reconstruction of Energy, disp and gamma/hadron\nseparation of events stored in a DL1 file. It takes DL1 file(s) and trained Random Forests as input \nand outputs DL2 data file(s).\nRun lstchain_dl1_to_dl2 --help to see the options.\n'
- input_files
Path (or list of paths) to a DL1 HDF5 file
- output_dir
Path where to store the reco dl2 events
- path_models
Path where to find the trained RF
Methods Documentation
- setup()
Set up the tool.
This method runs after the configuration and command line options have been parsed.
Here the tool should construct all
, open files, etc.
- start()
Main function of the tool.
This is automatically called after Tool.initialize when Tool.run is called.