lstmcpipe.hiperta package#
lstmcpipe.hiperta.hiperta_r0_to_dl1lstchain module#
- lstmcpipe.hiperta.hiperta_r0_to_dl1lstchain.main()#
Run hiperta_r0_dl1 and reorganize_dl1hipertaV300_to_dl1lstchain060
lstmcpipe.hiperta.reorganize_dl1hiperta300_to_dl1lstchain060 module#
- lstmcpipe.hiperta.reorganize_dl1hiperta300_to_dl1lstchain060.create_hfile_out(input_filename, outfile_name, sim_pointer08, config_pointer08, dl1_pointer, filter_pointer)#
Create output hfile (lstchainv0.6 like hdf5 file)
Parameters input_filename : [ste] input hfile name outfile_name : [str] output hfile name sim_pointer08 : dl1-file_v0.8_simulation pointer config_pointer08 : dl1-file_v.08_configuration pointer dl1_pointer : dl1-file_v0.8_dl1 pointer filter_pointer : dl1-file_v0.8 filters pointer
- lstmcpipe.hiperta.reorganize_dl1hiperta300_to_dl1lstchain060.dump_plus_copy_node_to_create_new_table(input_filename, hfile_out, astropy_table_to_copy, newparent_pointer, newname_pointer, tmp_name, overwrite=False)#
General function to write an astropy table to a temporal file, and immediately after copy it to the output v0.6 hfile.
Parameters input_filename : [ste] input hfile name hfile_out : output File pointer astropy_table_to_copy : astropy table to be copied newparent_pointer : newparent copy_node parameter newname_pointer : newname copy_node parameter tmp_name : [str] flag to identify the temportal table and make it unique (necessary when simultaneous reorganizers are run in the same dir) overwrite : overwrite parameter of the copy_node method
- lstmcpipe.hiperta.reorganize_dl1hiperta300_to_dl1lstchain060.main(input_filename, output_filename)#
Conversion from dl1 data model (ctapipe and hiper(CTA)RTA) data model, and convert it to lstchain_v0.6 data mode.
Parameters input_filename : [str] Input filename output_filename : [str] Output filename
- lstmcpipe.hiperta.reorganize_dl1hiperta300_to_dl1lstchain060.rename_mc_shower_colnames(input_filename, hfile_out, event_node, output_mc_table_pointer)#
Rename column names of the mc_shower table and dump the table to the v0.6 output hfile.
Parameters input_filename : [ste] input hfile name hfile_out : output File pointer event_node : root.dl1.event node (of output hfile, so V0.6) output_mc_table_pointer : output subarray node pointer
- lstmcpipe.hiperta.reorganize_dl1hiperta300_to_dl1lstchain060.stack_and_write_images_table(input_filename, hfile_out, node_dl1_event)#
Stack all the tel_00X image tables (in case they exit) and write in the v0.6 file
Parameters input_filename : [ste] input hfile name hfile_out : output File pointer node_dl1_event : Output hfile (V0.6) dl1.event node pointer
- lstmcpipe.hiperta.reorganize_dl1hiperta300_to_dl1lstchain060.stack_and_write_parameters_table(input_filename, hfile_out, node_dl1_event, output_mc_table_pointer)#
Stack all the tel_00X parameters tables (of v0.8), change names of the columns and write the table in the V0.6 (lstchain like) format
Parameters hfile_out : output File pointer node_dl1_event : Output hfile (V0.6) dl1.event node pointer output_mc_table_pointer : output subarray node pointer
lstmcpipe.hiperta.reorganize_dl1hiperta_to_dl1lstchain module#
- lstmcpipe.hiperta.reorganize_dl1hiperta_to_dl1lstchain.add_column_table(table, ColClass, col_label, values)#
FUNCTION COPIED FROM to avoid hiperta depend on lstchain.
Add a column to an pytable Table
- Parameters:
table (tables.table.Table)
ColClass (tables.atom.MetaAtom)
col_label (str)
values (list or numpy.ndarray)
- Return type:
- lstmcpipe.hiperta.reorganize_dl1hiperta_to_dl1lstchain.add_disp_and_mc_type_to_parameters_table(dl1_file, table_path)#
HARDCODED function obtained from lstchain.reco.dl0_to_dl1 because mc_alt_tel and mc_az_tel are zipped within run_array_direction. 1. Reconstruct the disp parameters and source position from a DL1 parameters table and write the result in the file. 2. Computes mc_type from the name of the file.
- Parameters:
dl1_file (HDF5 DL1 file containing the required field in table_path:) –
table_path (path to the parameters table in the file)
- Return type:
- lstmcpipe.hiperta.reorganize_dl1hiperta_to_dl1lstchain.clip_alt(alt)#
FUNCTION COPIED FROM lstchain.reco.utils to avoid hiperta depend on lstchain.
Make sure altitude is not larger than 90 deg (it happens in some MC files for zenith=0), to keep astropy happy
- lstmcpipe.hiperta.reorganize_dl1hiperta_to_dl1lstchain.create_final_h5(hfile, hfile_tmp, hfile_tmp2, output_filename)#
Create the final output HDF5 file. It copies /instruments and /simulations nodes from the output of,
and /dl1/event from the created table.
and includes the image and pulse_time within the correct path, i.e., /dl1/event/telescope/
TODO: Define somehow the paths globally so that it can be used .get_node()
- Parameters:
hfile ([obj, astropy.table.table.Table] output file)
hfile_tmp ([obj, astropy.table.table.Table] hdf5 file with dl1 parameters. path:) – dl1/event/telescope/parameters/LST_LSTCam
hfile_tmp2 ([obj, astropy.table.table.Table] hdf5 file with images and pulse_time. path:) – dl1/event/telescope/image/LST_LSTCam
output_filename ([str] name of output file)
- Return type:
- lstmcpipe.hiperta.reorganize_dl1hiperta_to_dl1lstchain.disp(cog_x, cog_y, src_x, src_y)#
FUNCTION COPIED FROM lstchain.reco.disp to avoid hiperta depend on lstchain.
Compute the disp parameters
- Parameters:
cog_x (numpy.ndarray or float)
cog_y (numpy.ndarray or float)
src_x (numpy.ndarray or float)
src_y (numpy.ndarray or float)
- Returns:
disp_dx: ‘astropy.units.m` disp_dy: ‘astropy.units.m` disp_norm: ‘astropy.units.m` disp_angle: ‘astropy.units.rad` disp_sign: numpy.ndarray
- Return type:
(disp_dx, disp_dy, disp_norm, disp_angle, disp_sign)
- lstmcpipe.hiperta.reorganize_dl1hiperta_to_dl1lstchain.modify_params_table(table, tel_id, focal=28)#
Modify column names and compute missing parameters
- Parameters:
table ([obj, astropy.table.table.Table] The table to be modified.)
tel_id ([int] telescope identifier, i.e., 1,2,3,4 for LSTs)
focal ([float] focal length in meters # TODO: deprecated, done at hipecta/rta level)
- Return type:
- lstmcpipe.hiperta.reorganize_dl1hiperta_to_dl1lstchain.reorganize_dl1(input_filename, output_filename)#
Reorganize the output dl1 files of hiperta/hipecta codes to reach the same structure found in lstchain dl1 files.
- Parameters:
input_filename (str) – Input filename
output_filename (str) – Output filename
- Return type:
None. It dumps the final hdf5 file with the correct structure.
- lstmcpipe.hiperta.reorganize_dl1hiperta_to_dl1lstchain.sky_to_camera(alt, az, focal, pointing_alt, pointing_az)#
FUNCTION COPIED FROM lstchain.reco.utils to avoid hiperta depend on lstchain.
Coordinate transform from aky position (alt, az) (in angles) to camera coordinates (x, y) in distance :param alt: :type alt: astropy Quantity :param az: :type az: astropy Quantity :param focal: :type focal: astropy Quantity :param pointing_alt: :type pointing_alt: pointing altitude in angle unit :param pointing_az: :type pointing_az: pointing altitude in angle unit
- Returns:
camera frame
- Return type:
- lstmcpipe.hiperta.reorganize_dl1hiperta_to_dl1lstchain.stack_by_telid(dl1_pointer, focal=28)#
- Stack :
LST telescopes’ parameters into a table
Calibrated images and pulse_times into another table
- Parameters:
dl1_pointer ([obj,] pointer of the input hdf5 file hfile.root.dl1)
focal ([float] focal length in meters # TODO: deprecated, done at hipecta/rta level)
- Returns:
respective path
- Return type:
Two tables [obj, astropy.table.table.Table] containing the parameters, and the images and pulse_times int their