lstmcpipe commands#


Generate a lstmcpipe config.

usage: lstmcpipe_generate_config [-h] [--prod_id PROD_ID] [--output OUTPUT]
                                 [--overwrite] [--lstchain_conf LSTCHAIN_CONF]
                                 [--dec_list DEC_LIST [DEC_LIST ...]]
                                 [--source_prod_id SOURCE_PROD_ID]
                                 [--kwargs [KWARGS ...]]

Config class name to use. List of implemented classes: [‘PathConfig’, ‘PathConfigProd5Trans80’, ‘PathConfigProd5Trans80DL1ab’, ‘PathConfigAllSkyBase’, ‘PathConfigAllSkyTraining’, ‘PathConfigAllSkyTrainingWithSplit’, ‘PathConfigAllSkyTesting’, ‘PathConfigAllSkyTestingGammaDiffuse’, ‘PathConfigAllSkyFull’, ‘PathConfigAllSkyTrainingDL1ab’, ‘PathConfigAllSkyTestingDL1ab’, ‘PathConfigAllSkyFullDL1ab’, ‘PathConfigAllTrainTestDL1b’, ‘PathConfigAllSkyFullSplitDiffuse’]

-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--prod_id <prod_id>#

production ID

--output <output>, -o <output>#

Path to the output file to dump the generated lstmcpipe config. Optional, if not provided, the file is dumped locally


Overwrite config file

--lstchain_conf <lstchain_conf>#

Path to the lstchain config to dump. Optional, if not provided, the file is dumped locally

--dec_list <dec_list>#

Use only with AllSkyFull prods

--source_prod_id <source_prod_id>#

Use only with prods starting from an existing source prod


optional kwargs for the requested config class. Use as: –kwargs option1=foo option2=bar


Validate your lstmcpipe config

usage: lstmcpipe_validate_config [-h]
                                 [--lstchain_config LSTCHAIN_CONFIG_FILENAME]

Path to lstmcpipe config file

-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--lstchain_config <lstchain_config_filename>, -lc <lstchain_config_filename>#

Path to the lstchain config file.


MC R0 to DL3 full pipeline

usage: lstmcpipe [-h] --config_mc_prod CONFIG_MC_PROD --config_file_lst
                 CONFIG_FILE_LST [--config_file_ctapipe CONFIG_FILE_CTAPIPE]
                 [--config_file_rta CONFIG_FILE_RTA] [--debug]
                 [--log-file LOG_FILE]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

--config_mc_prod <config_mc_prod>, -c <config_mc_prod>#

Path to the MC_production configuration file.

--config_file_lst <config_file_lst>, -conf_lst <config_file_lst>#

Path to a lstchain-like configuration file. RF classifier and regressor arguments must be declared here !

--config_file_ctapipe <config_file_ctapipe>, -conf_cta <config_file_ctapipe>#

Path to a ctapipe-like configuration file.Only to be declared if WORKFLOW_KIND = “ctapipe” and only used up to dl1.

--config_file_rta <config_file_rta>, -conf_rta <config_file_rta>#

Path to a HiPeRTA-like configuration file.Only to be declared if WORKFLOW_KIND = “hiperta” and only used up to dl1.


print debug messages to stderr

--log-file <log_file>#

Optional log file. This is independent of the slurm job logs and only handles lstmcpipe logging