Production list#
Find below the list of lstmcpipe productions. Real source names are not provided here. To find the actual source name corresponding to its ID used in the prod ID, visit the LST wiki page.
Production date |
Prod ID |
Readme |
2025-02-17 | (re)production of DL2 and IRFs for the NSB grid production with pointing interpolationSee After merging this feature, reproduction of test DL2 and IRFs is needed to analyse data. Resulting IRFsIRFs to use for data analysis can be found under:
Steps done to produce configs:
2024-12-23 | allsky production with NSB gridProduction for all declination bands with a NSB-wise grid using the following parameters:
The GammaDiffuse dataset has been divided into training and test datasets with a 50-50% ratio.
Modifications applied afterwards
Tree structureTrained models for analysis can be found under:
Please DO NOT use IRFs under |
2024-10-23 | PROD 20240917_v0.10.12_src15_dec_min_2924_tunedI need this production to analyse the LST-1 data of src15 (see with dec 29.24 deg. The median of the NSB standard deviation for this dataset is approximately 2.308 p.e.
Config for the NSB tuning:
Contact: Lisa N |
2024-09-06 | Prod 20240828_v0.10.9_GC_dec_min_2924_tunedDescription of the config
lstchain_tune_nsb command
lstmcpipe config command
Then used the script below to add time and nice options to each step.
Why this production is needed?To analyze the Galactic Center data at dec_min_2924. |
2024-08-30 | New Prod ConfigProd_ID20240821_v0.10.11_src14_tuned Descriptionfull DL1ab production (with NSB tuning for src14) with lstchain v0.10.11 NSB level was checked in the following way:
Why this config is neededAnalysis of future data taken on src14 Config file creationThe config file was initially cretaed by using lstmcpipe_generate_config:
2024-08-06 | New Prod ConfigProd_ID20240727_v0.10.11_src12_tuned Short description of the configfull DL1ab production (with NSB tuning for src12) with lstchain v0.10.11 NSB level was checked in the following way:
The resulting values are the followings:
These are pasted on the lstchain_config_2024-07-27.json. contact: Hideaki Katagiri Why this config is neededReprocess the data of src12 with version of lstchain v0.10.11 and with NSB tunning. Other informationcommand-line:
2024-07-17 | Product Configuration for src10Prod_ID20240716_v0.10.7_src10_dec3476_tuned DescriptionConfig for reprocessing of Gamma Diffuse MC at declination line of 34.76 deg, based on 20240430_v0.10.4_src9_dec3476_tuned. NSB tuning adapted to the observed data of src10. ObjectiveNeed diffuse MC with tuning for new source: src10 Config file creationThe config file was initially cretaed by using lstmcpipe_generate_config: ''' lstmcpipe_generate_config PathConfigAllSkyFullDL1ab --dec_list dec_3476 --prod_id 20240716_v0.10.7_src10_dec3476_tuned --kwargs source_prod_id=20240430_v0.10.4_src9_dec3476_tuned ''' Added image_modifier to tune NSB to src10. Manually edited to split dataset similar as 20240430_v0.10.4_src9_dec3476_tuned. |
2024-06-07 | Source with dec 6166 at LZA and NSB tuning20240529Production on the full high density line (dec_6166_high_density) with all nodes and with to NSB of the LZA data Short description of the configConfig for a source src4 with line dec_6166_high_density and NSB tuning corresponding or pedestal std 1.9 pe (reference run 8649, zd=65.5, reference MC simtel_corsika_theta_65.796_az_31.344_run1.simtel.gz)
Only test nodes on the declination line are included The config is produced as following:
2024-05-17 | New Product Configuration for src9Prod_ID20240430_v0.10.4_src9_dec3476_tuned DescriptionConfig for training RF splitting Gamma Diffuse MC datasets in halves for the declination line of 34.76 deg. NSB tuning adapted to the observed data of src9. ObjectivePrepare full enclosure IRFs for src9. Config file creationThe config file was initially cretaed by using lstmcpipe_generate_config: lstmcpipe_generate_config PathConfigAllSkyFull --prod_id 20240430_v0.10.4_src9_dec3476_tuned --dec_list dec_3476 Then, some manually changes were added in order to split the datasets and add the specific NSB tuning configuration parameters. |
2024-05-03 | Source with dec 3476/4822 and NSB tuning for moon data (x3-4 the previous production, which was made to reproduce the specific dark background of the source due to its proximity to the galactic plane). The mean_diffuse_nsb_std for this dataset is approximately 3 p.e.Prod_ID20240426_v0.10.9_src3_dec3476_4822_tunedNSB 20240426lstmcpipe_generate_config PathConfigAllSkyFull --prod_id 20240426_v0.10.9_src3_dec3476_4822_tunedNSB --dec_list dec_3476 dec_4822 Short description of the configConfig for a source with dec within 3476/4822 and NSB tuning:
Why this config is neededSee wiki page (src 3) |
2024-02-29 | DL1a=> Production for the dec_3476 line and high NSB conditions, with cleaning levels (14, 7) Command: lstmcpipe_generate_config PathConfigAllSkyFullDL1ab --dec_list dec_3476 --prod_id 20240229_dec34_nsb14 --kwargs source_prod_id=20240131_allsky_v0.10.5_all_dec_base Then I modified in the yaml file the versions of lstchain and lstmcpipe to be used |
2024-02-19 | Prod 20240219_allsky_v0.10.7_all_dec_srcdep_baseBase production for all declinations lines with lstchain v0.10.7 & source-dependent approach
contact: Seiya N. |
2024-02-19 | 20240122_v0.10.4_prod5_trans8020 degrees for performance study lstmcpipe_generate_config PathConfigProd5Trans80 --prod_id 20240122_v0.10.4_prod5_trans80 Contact : Mathieu de Bony, Léo Le Moigne, David Sanchez |
2024-02-07 | New Prod ConfigProd_ID20240126_v0.10.4_src6_dec2276_tuned Short description of the configConfig for the processing of MC at dec_2276 with NSB tuning to src6 and src-dependent configuration using a specific NSB tunning for the source. Why this config is neededReprocess the data at declination 22.76 with version of lstchain v0.10.4 and with new tunning for new source: src6. Other informationcommand-line:
2024-02-06 | PROD 20240206_v0.10.5_lst_school_dummy_prodI need this production for the LST school
contact: Thomas V. |
2024-02-05 | Prod 20240235_v0.10.5_dec_931_dec_min_2924_dec_3476Base prod with missing declinations in
contact: Thomas V. |
2024-01-31 | Prod 20240131_allsky_v0.10.5_all_dec_baseBase production for all declinations lines with lstchain v0.10.5
contact: Thomas V. |
2023-11-06 | Prod 20231106_v0.9.12_base_dl1_dec_931_min-2924_min-1802_6166Base DL1 prod for missing declination in
contact: Thomas Vuillaume |
2023-10-27 | 20231017_v0.10.4_seasonal_atmospheres_summerFull production of a test node simulated with a summer atmospheric profile. Reconstructed with - training datasets produced with the same atmosphere as for the production. - training datasets produced with the standard average winter atmospheric profile. The goal is to estimate the systematics introduced by using the same average winter atmospheric profile in order to analyse all LST data. The config file was created manually, inspired by the configurations of the production 20230927_v0.10.4_crab_tuned. Contact : Georgios Voutsinas |
2023-10-24 | Prod 20231024_v0.10.4_base_dec_min_2924_min_1802_6166Base prod for missing declination in
contact: Thomas Vuillaume |
2023-09-28 | New Prod ConfigProd_ID20230927_v0.10.4_crab_tuned Short description of the configfull DL1ab production (with NSB tuning for Crab) with lstchain v0.10.4 NSB level was checked in the following way: input_mc = Path("/fefs/aswg/data/mc/DL0/LSTProd2/TrainingDataset/GammaDiffuse/dec_2276/sim_telarray/node_corsika_theta_6.000_az_180.000_/output_v1.4/simtel_corsika_theta_6.000_az_180.000_run1.simtel.gz") input_data = Path("/fefs/aswg/data/real/DL1/20221201/v0.9/tailcut84/dl1_LST-1.Run11282.0000.h5") print("this config is commit ac7d379 on Sep 14, 2023 ") config_file = Path("./lstchain_standard_config.json") !lstchain_tune_nsb --input-mc $input_mc --input-data $input_data --config $config_file The resulting values are the followings: this config is commit ac7d379 on Sep 14, 2023 Real data: median across camera of good pixels' pedestal std 2.633 p.e. Number of pixels beyond 3 std dev of median: 34, (above 3.82 p.e.) Good and not too bright pixels: 1811 { "increase_nsb": true, "extra_noise_in_dim_pixels": 2.197, "extra_bias_in_dim_pixels": 0.82, "transition_charge": 8, "extra_noise_in_bright_pixels": 2.88 } These are pasted on the lstchain_config_2023-09-27.json. contact: Hideaki Katagiri Why this config is neededReprocess the data of Crab with version of lstchain v0.10.4 and with tunning. Other informationcommand-line:
2023-09-25 | New Prod ConfigProd_ID20230925_v0.10.4_src3_dec3476_4822_tuned Short description of the configfull DL1ab production (dec3476 and dec4822 with NSB tuning for src3) with lstchain v0.10.4 contact: Seiya Nozaki Why this config is neededReprocess the data at declination 34.76 and 48.22 with version of lstchain v0.10.4 and with tunning for src3. Other informationcommand-line:
2023-09-01 | New Prod Config20230901_v0.10.4_base_prodShort description of the configFull allsky production with lstchain v0.10.4 standard settings (
Only change to the config is the added Why this config is neededThere have been datamodel-changes in the transition from lstchain 0.9 to 0.10, which is why a new production is in order.
Also old This request includes all declination lines and no NSB-tuning in order act as a new baseline.
For the same reason all processing steps are included.
That should make it possible to directly compare the performance to the older For Crab or other high-NSB sources, a Command to produce
to produce the list of steps.
Then change |
2023-08-30 | New Prod ConfigProd_ID20230829_src5_dec3476_v0.10_tuned Short description of the configdec_3476 with NSB tuning to src5, src-dependent and lstchain v0.10 configuration. Why this config is neededReprocess the data at declination 34.76 with version of lstchain v0.10 and with tunning for src5. Other informationcommand-line:
2023-06-19 | New Prod ConfigProd_ID20230601_v0.9.13_src7_darkNSB Short description of the configReprocess production of 20230601_v0.9.13_dec_4822_dec_6166 matching the NSB noise to source 7 in dark conditions. Why this config is neededAdd NSB noise to match the NSB in the FoV of source 7 in the production 20230601_v0.9.13_dec_4822_dec_6166 Command used to produce the lstmcpipe config
Also, I increased the memory for the DL2 to IRF stage o 100 GB following the fix memory issue in prod. 20230329_v0.9.13_src4_full_line. |
2023-06-02 | New Prod ConfigProd_ID20230601_v0.9.13_dec_4822_dec_6166 Short description of the configCreate a production with lstchain-v0.9.13 with all testing nodes for dec_4822 and dec_6166. The stage r0_to_dl1 is the only stage used because this production will be used as the base prod. to latter tune the NSB. Why this config is neededProcessing of source 7 with MC processed with lstchain-v0.9.13 for dec. bands dec_4822 and dec_6166 with all available testing nodes. Command used to produce the lstmcpipe config
Also, I removed the stages merge_dl1, train_pipe, dl1_to_dl2 and dl2_to_irfs from the lstmcpipe config file. |
2023-06-01 | Source with dec 6166 at LZA and NSB tuning20230529Production on the full node with all nodes and with to NSB of the LZA data Short description of the configConfig for a source src4 with dec 6166 and NSB tuning corresponding or pedestal std 1.9 pe (reference run 8649, zd=65.5, reference MC simtel_corsika_theta_65.796_az_31.344_run1.simtel.gz) { "increase_nsb": true, "extra_noise_in_dim_pixels": 2.124, "extra_bias_in_dim_pixels": 0.738, "transition_charge": 8, "extra_noise_in_bright_pixels": 2.766 } Only test nodes on the declination line are included The config is produced as following: {
config.plot_pointings() ``` |
2023-05-18 | 20230517_v0.9.13_large_offset_crab_tunedDL1ab step to apply NSB tuning for Crab gamma diffuse MC. lstchain config taken from '20221027_v0.9.9_crab_tuned' Contact : Mathieu de Bony, Mathieu de Bony, Léo Le Moigne, David Sanchez |
2023-05-17 | 20230517_v0.9.13_large_offsetDL1 production of the test node for IRF using gamma diffuse MC lstchain config taken from '20230127_v0.9.12_base_prod_az_tel' Contact : Mathieu de Bony, Léo Le Moigne, David Sanchez |
2023-04-28 | New Prod Config20230428Short description of the configConfig for a galactic source with dec 22.47 and NSB tuning.
Started from prod Why this config is neededThe feature |
2023-04-20 | New Prod Config20230315Short description of the configConfig for a galactic source with dec 22.47 and NSB tuning: "image_modifier": {
"increase_nsb": true,
"extra_noise_in_dim_pixels": 1.309,
"extra_bias_in_dim_pixels": 0.54,
"transition_charge": 8,
"extra_noise_in_bright_pixels": 1.79
The NSB parameters have been computed by using lstchain script The configuration file for lstchain and lstmcpipe included in this directory have been produced by running
Why this config is neededProcessing of data taken from this galactic source which has a particular NSB level. |
2023-04-16 | prod 20230414_v0.9.13_dec_931_az_telReprocessing of faulty dec_931.
This production should be used instead of See related issues: - - The config was generated using:
After failure of the merging step, the faulty DL1 files were removed to allow proper merging and the processing was started again, commenting the r0_to_dl1 step. |
2023-04-01 | Source with dec 6166 at LZA and NSB tuning20230329Production on the full node (but still with some nodes missing) and with to NSB of the LZA data Short description of the configConfig for a source src4 with dec 6166 and NSB tuning corresponding or pedestal std 1.9 pe (reference run 8649, zd=65.5, reference MC simtel_corsika_theta_65.796_az_31.344_run1.simtel.gz) { "increase_nsb": true, "extra_noise_in_dim_pixels": 2.124, "extra_bias_in_dim_pixels": 0.738, "transition_charge": 8, "extra_noise_in_bright_pixels": 2.766 } Only test nodes on the declination line are included
config.plot_pointings() ``` |
2023-01-27 | New Prod Configtemplate_prodShort description of the configFull MC / model dataset with lstchain v0.9.12 standard settings / az instead of sin(az) in training features. Why this config is neededProcessing standard AGN data (+Crab) with recent lstchain (after the discussion in slack). Last full production with Models date from May 2022. For now requesting a standard 'un-tuned' production to evaluate blind reconstruction and to test how a 'bad NSB setting' can spoil the SED. Declination tracks needed: dec_2276 dec_3476 dec_4822 dec_6676 dec_931 dec_min_413 Command to produce this request:
and then replace Note on dec_93116/04/2023, T. Vuillaume. dec_931 from this prod is faulty and thus should not be used!
Please use prod |
2023-01-25 | New Prod ConfigProd_ID20230124_src6_dec2276_tuned Short description of the configdec_2276 with NSB tuning to src6 and src-dependent configuration. Why this config is neededReprocess the data at declination 22.76 with version of lstchain v0.9.12 and with new tunning for new source: src6. Other informationcommand-line:
2022-12-16 | Source with dec 6166 at LZA and NSB tuning20221212LZA production as 20221025_src4_high_NSB_LZA but with lstchain release 0.9.6 Short description of the configConfig for a source src4 with dec 6166 and NSB tuning corresponding or pedestal std 1.9 pe (reference run 8649, zd=65.5, reference MC simtel_corsika_theta_65.796_az_31.344_run1.simtel.gz) { "increase_nsb": true, "extra_noise_in_dim_pixels": 2.124, "extra_bias_in_dim_pixels": 0.738, "transition_charge": 8, "extra_noise_in_bright_pixels": 2.766 } Config generated with:
2022-12-16 | New Prod Configtemplate_prodShort description of the configFull MC / model dataset with lstchain v0.9.12 standard settings Why this config is neededProcessing standard AGN data (+Crab) with recent lstchain (after the discussion in slack). Last full production with Models date from May 2022. For now requesting a standard 'un-tuned' production to evaluate blind reconstruction and to test how a 'bad NSB setting' can spoil the SED. Declination tracks needed: dec_2276 dec_3476 dec_4822 dec_6676 dec_931 dec_min_413 Command to produce this request:
Note on dec_93116/04/2023, T. Vuillaume. dec_931 from this prod is faulty and thus should not be used!
Please use prod |
2022-11-29 | New Prod ConfigProd_ID20221128_src5_dec3476_tuned Short description of the configdec_3476 with NSB tuning to src5 and src-dependent configuration. Why this config is neededReprocess the data at declination 34.76 with version of lstchain v0.9.9 and with new tunning for new source: src5. Other informationcommand-line:
2022-11-08 | 20221104_src3_dec3476_4822_tunedfull DL1ab production (dec3476 and dec4822 with NSB tuning for src3) with lstchain v0.9.9 command-line:
2022-11-08 | New Prod ConfigProd_ID20221108_galsource_min_413_tuned_nsb Short description of the configdec_min_413 with NSB tuning to galactic source (src1). Why this config is neededReprocess with the latest version of lstchain v0.9.9. Previous prod_id is Other informationRF features following issue #369 command-line:
2022-11-02 | 20221027_v0.9.9_base_prodNew full base prod with lstchain v0.9.9 and all declinations and nodes currently available. Commented stages > merge, so only the DL1 will be produced. Training will be done dec wise depending on required tunings / lstchain configs.
2022-10-27 | 20221027_v0.9.9_crab_tunedDL1ab step to apply NSB tuning for Crab. Generated config:
lstchain config taken from Contact:Thomas or Abelardo |
2022-10-26 | Source with dec 6166 at LZA and NSB tuning20221025LZA production: only nodes with zd> 52 deg are processed both for training and for test Short description of the configConfig for a source src4 with dec 6166 and NSB tuning corresponding or pedestal std 1.9 pe (reference run 8649, zd=65.5, reference MC simtel_corsika_theta_65.796_az_31.344_run1.simtel.gz) { "increase_nsb": true, "extra_noise_in_dim_pixels": 2.124, "extra_bias_in_dim_pixels": 0.738, "transition_charge": 8, "extra_noise_in_bright_pixels": 2.766 } Config generated with:
2022-10-21 | PROD 20221021_crab_full_lstchain097Full pipeline for Crab (dec_2276) with latest lstchain release v0.9.7 Generated with:
Added to lstchain config:
2022-10-07 | 20221006_src3_test_nodesDL1ab with tuned configuration (DL1ab + merge DL1) lstchain config taken from 2022-06-01 prod command-line:
2022-10-07 | 20220913_crab_test_nodes_tunedAll test nodes analysed for Crab: NSB tuning and models trained at dec_2276
Then replaced path models with Error during merging, restarted by hand the following:
2022-09-13 | 20220913_crab_theta23_tunedFollowing production Processing of nodes node_theta_23.630_az_100.758 and node_theta_23.630_az_259.265_ only for:
- dl1ab
- with tuned config from crab tuned prod
- merge
- dl1_to_dl2
- with trained RF from crab tuned prod: See |
2022-09-12 | New Prod config20220902_crab_test_nodesShort description of the configGenerated as:
Then edited manually to replace the path model with lstchain config copied from Why this config is neededConfig to produce the new test nodes using Crab dec training. See |
2022-09-06 | Source with dec 6166 and NSB tuning20220905Short description of the configConfig for a source src4 with dec 6166 and NSB tuning: "image_modifier":{ "increase_nsb": true, "extra_noise_in_dim_pixels": 1.82, "extra_bias_in_dim_pixels": 0.815, "transition_charge": 8, "extra_noise_in_bright_pixels": 4.098 } |
2022-06-24 | Allsky Test Diffuse Gammas production, with nsb tuning, for the dec_4822 declination band. Config files: - lstmcpipe_config_2022-06-24_PathConfigAllSky_TestDiffuseGammas.yaml - lstchain_config_2022-06-24.json The command used for generating the config files is:
And then I changed it by hand. PathConfigAllSkyFullDL1ab -> TestDiffuseGammas 24_05_2022_dec_4822 -> 24062022_dec_4822 Plus I changed the file to match the stages and the nodes that need. The source for which this production is required is "src2" |
2022-06-01 | 20220601_dec3476_tunedDL1ab for dec3476 with tuned configuration lstchain config taken from 2022-05-23 prod command-line:
2022-05-31 | 20220531_dec3476_stdStandard production for declination 3476 that was missing Proton simtel files for some nodes. Config generated with:
2022-05-31 | Allsky MC production, with nsb tuning, for the dec_4822 declination band. Config files: - lstmcpipe_config_2022-05-24_PathConfigAllSkyFullDL1ab.yaml - lstchain_config_2022-05-24.json The command used for generating the config files is: "lstmcpipe_generate_config PathConfigAllSkyFullDL1ab --prod_id 24_05_2022_dec_4822 --kwargs source_prod_id=20220511_allsky_std --dec_list dec_4822 --overwrite" In a second moment I changed the prod_id (everywhere) by hand, from "24_05_2022" to "24_05_2022_dec_4822" The source for which this production is required is "src2" |
2022-05-30 | 20220527_src2_diffgammaStandard production (no tuning) of DL1 testing diffuse gammas for declination 4822, only four nodes along the src2 path. |
2022-05-24 | Source with dec 3476/4822 and NSB tuning20220523Short description of the configConfig for a source with dec 3476/4822 and NSB tuning:
Why this config is neededSee wiki page (src 3) |
2022-05-24 | Galactic source with dec minus 413 and NSB tuning20220523Short description of the configConfig for a galactic source with dec min_413 and NSB tuning: "image_modifier": { "increase_nsb": true, "extra_noise_in_dim_pixels": 0.937 "extra_bias_in_dim_pixels": 0.323 "transition_charge": 8, "extra_noise_in_bright_pixels": 1.041 } Why this config is neededProcessing of data taken from this galactic source which has a particular NSB level |
2022-05-24 | 20220523_allsky_stdStandard production (no tuning) for declinations 6676 and min_2924 Paths
2022-05-20 | 20220518_allsky_dec2276_tuned
2022-05-20 | 20220511_v0.9.6_allsky_stdAllSky production with standard lstchain config (no tuning) for the following declinations: ['dec_2276','dec_3476','dec_4822','dec_931','dec_min_413'] |
2022-03-16 | Official prod20220304_v0.9.3_prod5_trans_80_zen40az180_local_tailcut_8_4 |
2022-03-16 | Official prod20220218_v0.9.2_prod5_trans_80_dl1ab_tune_MC_to_Crab |
2022-03-16 | Official prod20220215_v0.9.1_prod5_trans_80_local_tailcut_8_4 |
2022-03-16 | Official prod20210923_v0.7.5_prod5_trans_80_dynamic_cleaning |
2022-03-16 | Official prod20210506_v0.7.3_prod5_trans_80_zen40deg_local_tailcut_8_4 |
2022-03-16 | Official prod20210416_v0.7.3_prod5_trans_80_local_taicut_8_4 |
2022-03-08 | Ze40 south pointing Configzen40az180_dl1ab_tuned_nsb_psf_src2Short description of the configConfig for ze40 and south pointing with PSF and NSB tuned on data Why this config is neededProcessing of data for which tuned MC is missing |
2022-03-07 | NSB tuned Configzen40az180_dl1ab_tuned_nsb_src1Short description of the configConfig for 40zd and 180deg with tuning to the NSB of the required field Why this config is neededProcessing of data with specific NSB |
2022-03-04 | New Prod Configzen40az180_dl1ab_tuned_psfShort description of the configModified standard config to tune the PSF and to run the process for zenith 40 deg, south pointing MC Why this config is neededFor aiding in the source-independent analysis of sources like the AGNs where the NSB is weak and therefore not requiring any change. |
2022-03-03 | New Prod Configzen20az180_dl1ab_tuned_psfShort description of the configModified standard config to tune the PSF and to run the process for zenith 20 deg, south pointing MC Why this config is neededFor aiding in the source-independent analysis of sources like the AGNs where the NSB is weak and therefore not requiring any change. |
2022-03-03 | New Prod Configtemplate_prodShort description of the configModified standard config to add twice the Crab NSB Why this config is neededProcessing of Crab night 1054-07-15 |